PROJECT 366 (yes, 2012 is a leap year!)
In 2009, I was excited to begin Project 365 - a year of capturing everyday life through daily photographs. The concept was introduced by Becky Higgins and is one that I have fallen in love with. So often, we 'scrap' events and occasions, but it is just as important to document the little things in life - not only for ourselves and our family members - but for those that come after us.
In 2009, I purchased page protectors and used my paper stash for journaling cards and backgrounds. In 2010, I used my own digital template. In 2011, I purchased the Project Life Kit from Becky Higgins. 2012 is my fourth year and I am back to digital. I created this template using one of the basic page protector designs that is found in the Becky Higgins Project Life kits.
And week one! This year I will be using papers from my Beautiful Music Collection and will alternate between 5-6 different color combinations throughout the year. My goal is to stay current by keeping both the design and overall process simple.

I will share each of my weekly layouts with you to hopefully give you ideas for your own Project 366 (and to keep me accountable and on track!)
P366 Week One Tip! Keep a camera in a prominent place to remind you to take a picture. I keep one on my kitchen table - and a point and shoot in my purse.
Hope you have a wonderful week...enjoy each of your the Shore.
I thought about going back to the basic 6x4 layout too! Not sure what I am going to do yet but I keep on taking photos.