We are in our final week of Digital Art Journaling at jessicasprague.com ~ and I have five more layouts ready to be printed. There have been a few new techniques I have not seen before as well as refreshers on techniques I have not used in a bit. I love looking in the gallery at all of the beautiful layouts - each one shares a bit about the artist and their life. We all start with the same prompt and are introduced to the techniques - but where we go from there is up to us. Some of the participants have talked about how therapeutic and relaxing this form of art can be. Sometimes there are hidden symbols within a layout which the artist places there as a form of self-expression. I have a few items I carry from layout to layout (can you figure out what they are - there are three)
Mondays prompt was Time - the Jim Croce song - Time in a Bottle - kept playing through my head - this one was created with my husband in mind.

Tuesdays prompt was halcyon (yes, I'll wait while you pull out your dictionary - I know I had to look it up)

We have two more lessons/prompts and then we reach the end of our class. I hope to continue this form of artistic expression - perhaps not daily but periodically as I do find the overall journey an enjoyable one.

Wednesday's prompt was "inherited" or "legacy"

Thursday's prompt was FOUND ....

And Friday's prompt was Music.....

Wishing you a great day...by the Shore.
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